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Checks can be made payable to Fellowship Alliance Chapel and sent to 199 Church Rd., Medford, NJ 08055
(Attention: Finance Department)
(Attention: Finance Department)

“One gives freely, yet grows all the richer; another withholds what he should give, and only suffers want.” Proverbs 11:24
We should not be surprised that life itself gets behind generosity and pushes against greed because God is generous, and He made everything. Since the church is God’s household, His values are what we desire and find beautiful. God did not spare giving His only begotten Son for His household (Romans 8:32); we should respond fittingly. Let us not shortchange ourselves from all the blessings that flow from generous giving.
—Pastor Seth
We should not be surprised that life itself gets behind generosity and pushes against greed because God is generous, and He made everything. Since the church is God’s household, His values are what we desire and find beautiful. God did not spare giving His only begotten Son for His household (Romans 8:32); we should respond fittingly. Let us not shortchange ourselves from all the blessings that flow from generous giving.
—Pastor Seth