Pastoral Care

Pastoral Care

Our pastoral staff offers biblical guidance to our church family and the community. Most people need spiritual counsel at some point in their lives. A pastor will discuss your situation with you and pray with you. If you need further care, you may be referred to other local professionals.

If you would like spiritual, emotional, and relational guidance, please set up a meeting to talk to a pastor.

Glenn Kantner


We are all dealing with the disruption of our normal routines. Couples and families are spending more time together than they are used to. Single people may be spending more time alone than they usually would. We struggle when our routine is changed since we are typically creatures of habit. In addition, fear or anxiety has gripped some of us, especially when things seem out of our control. Here are a few resources we’d like to provide during this time.

Professional Providers

If you are unable to schedule an appointment for pastoral care or need more specialized services and long-term counseling/care, please use this list of professional providers in the area.


Support Groups

We are living in unusual times; we are separated from friends and family and at times isolated. A lot of us are laid off and without income. Some of us struggle with our relationships with spouses, family or kids. During these times we tend to comfort ourselves in many ways. Some of us struggle with problems, habits, and or addictions. We are facing a virus that has taken lives.

One truth we know is that God is faithful, in the midst of these uncertain times. You do not have to walk this alone. We have people who want to help and walk with you. Consider joining one of our many support groups.



Fill out the online prayer card to request prayer. You can put in as much or as little information that you like. The prayer team will pray together for your request along with the church elders. Please include your contact information if you would like someone from the team to follow up with you.